Revista Ciência em Síntese - Uso do Open Journal Systems como plataforma para produção e divulgação científica
divulgação científica, processo editorial, periódicos científicosAbstract
This work aims to identify, within the editorial flow of the Open Journal Systems (OJS), potential for expanding the system for the creation and publication of science communication texts, based on the experience of the Ciência em Síntese (CeS) journal of the Canal Ciência/Ibict. Methodologically, it is characterized as a qualitative approach, and based on its objectives, it is exploratory and descriptive. Taking into account Canal Ciência's experience with the CeS journal, a comparison was made between its editorial flow and the functionalities of the OJS system. Finally, it was observed that the OJS fulfills a good part of the processes, but that it could better contemplate the prospecting and text production processes. CeS seeks to broaden the discussion on the institutionalization of more science journals.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Lucas Mendes, Ronnie Fagundes de Brito, Leda Cardoso Sampson Pinto, Hélia de Sousa Chaves

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.