Importance of scientific journals linked to medical headache societies: bibliometric description of Headache Medicine
Scientometrics, Headache, AssociationAbstract
The "Headache Medicine" journal, as the official publication of the Brazilian Headache Society, plays a crucial role in research and advancing knowledge about headaches. In the past two years, it has published 248 original articles, reviews, and case reports, with highlights including "Review of major risk factors for chronic migraine," "Topiramate and cognitive function: a review," and "Brazilian version of headache management self-efficacy scale" as the most accessed. The journal has gained international recognition, being indexed in critical databases such as DOAJ, Latindex, and LILACS. With an H5 index of 3 and 44 citations in 2021-2023, the journal continues to contribute to medical education and the advancement of headache treatment, strengthening the Brazilian Headache Society internationally.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Juliana Ramos de Andrade, Isabella Assunção Santos de Souza, Marcelo Moraes Valença

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