Compartilhamento de conhecimento: um olhar a partir das práticas de gestão da Revista Gestão em Análise (ReGeA)
ReGeA case, Scientific Journal, Shared knowledgeAbstract
Faced with the growing complexity of the environments, whether organizational and / or academic and research, knowledge management becomes the driving force behind development. In this scenario, this study aims to analyze the process of shared knowledge management practiced in new (young) journals to obtain satisfactory and sustainable performance in accordance with international standards of scientific publication and, more specifically, the article aims to understand how is and / or should be the process of knowledge sharing in periodicals in the launching and consolidation phase. To do so, a descriptive research based on Action Research and on a Single Case Study based on the Journal on Management in Analysis (ReGeA) is carried out. The conclusion of the study points out that the shared nature of knowledge provides the generation of high quality interactions, enabling creativity and value creation in a creative, intentional and integrative way, in which it tends to make a significant contribution in the aspects of creativity, innovation and sustainability, especially in scientific journals in their design and consolidation phases, as evidenced in the performance in the first years of publication of the Journal Management and Analysis - ReGeA
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