Scientific magazine, Scientific journal, Open accessAbstract
The Acta Biológica Catarinense (ABC), ISSN 2358-3363, a scientific journal created by the Department of Biological Sciences of the University of the Region of Joinville in 2012, had its first edition in 2014 and currently publishes three issues per year, totaling 27 articles per year. It is an open access journal, available in electronic format and free of charge for authors, with articles submitted to a peer review process. Eight issues have been published so far, totaling 51 articles and two scientific notes, of 185 authors and coauthors, from 46 institutions/ entities and 15 Brazilian states. During the ABC period, 90 articles were received. The ABC editorial board has 153 referees from 60 institutions, 16 states and five countries. Articles are given the DOI (Digital Object Identifier). The articles are mainly about the themes: Botany, Zoology and Ecology. The qualification of ABC in the Web qualis is, for Biodiversity, Biotechnology and Teaching, C, Interdisciplinary B4 and Agricultural Sciences, B3. ABC is indexed on Dialnet and Latindex platforms. The editorial team of the journal participates in events in the area of scientific publishing, aiming to improve the quality of the journal and give visibility to it.
PLATAFORMA SUCUPIRA. Qualis Periódicos. Ministério da Educação. UFRN. Brasília; 2016. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 25 out. 2017.