Mapeamento de revistas brasileiras com práticas editoriais predatórias
Scientific publishing, Predatory practices, Research ethicsAbstract
There have been initiatives that use the Open Access Movement to subvert the logic of scientific communication, with the primary interest of making financial profits. These actions are carried out by so-called predatory journals, a term that has been increasingly studied and known by researchers around the world. The aim of this study was to map Brazilian journals that carry out editorial practices characterized as predatory, from the perspective of Brazilian researchers themselves. Descriptive in nature and exploratory in procedure, the data obtained from 4,793 responses was analyzed quantitatively, 2,229 of them via email and 2,564 via a form. Of these, 66 journals are Brazilian and were identified in 478 complaints.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Denise Aparecida Freitas de Andrade, Fhillipe de Freitas Campos, Juliana Araujo Gomes de Sousa, Raphael Faria Vilas Boas, Priscila Machado Borges Sena, Washington Luis Ribeiro de Carvalho Segundo, Bianca Amaro

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