Inclusion of nursing undergraduate and graduate students in editorial activities: experience report
nursing, scholarly communication, open access publishing, indexingAbstract
Considering the relevance of understanding the process of production and dissemination of scientific evidence by students in professional training, as well as the potential for postgraduate students in stricto sensu programs to perform peer review activities and editorial teams, the objective is to report the experience of inserting undergraduate and postgraduate nursing students in the editorial process activities of the Revista Enfermagem UERJ. The developed actions with undergraduate and postgraduate students, from master's and doctoral courses, involving the paper’s evaluation flow and publication, in addition to scientific dissemination through virtual tools, are presented, configuring itself as an innovative activity, complementing training and arousing interest in reading scientific articles through scientific communication to society.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Cristiane Helena Gallasch, Juliana Rodrigues Silva Folly, Naomi Araújo dos Santos, Alexa Luiza Morais Lopes de Lira, Renata Flavia Abreu da Silva

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