Ferramentas e desafios na gestão do processo editorial de revistas via Open Journal Systems: relato de caso
Open Journal Systems, Scientific journals’ management, Editorial processAbstract
This article aims to present PUCPR’s active journal’s editorial management system, underlining the lessons learned from using OJS (Open Journal Systems). Challenges related to training the teams that are part of the editorial process — the journal’s teams and the support team, under PUCPRESS — and making these teams autonomous are shown. The goal of tackling these challenges is to maximize the efficacy of managing journals through OJS. The amount of stages of the editorial process and their details, added to the seasonal character of some system operations are the main challenges that must be surpassed for better system usage. To achieve this, we propose the creation of specific coaching methods for the items that are more prone to generating doubts. We also believe that increased continued instruction time and more intuitive, clear tutorials, when available to the various users of the system, in their various levels, should be of valuable help.
ALPERIN, J. P.; S., K.; GARNETT, A. On the Peripheries of Scholarly Infrastructure: A look at the Journals Using Open Journal Systems. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INDICATORS, 21., 2016, Valência. Proceedings... Valência: [s. n.], 2016. Disponível em: <http://summit.sfu.ca/item/16763>. Acesso em: 23 maio 2018.